Eating a Few Almonds Daily Can Aid in Calorie Reduction

Research suggests that eating almonds daily may aid weight loss efforts.

Studies of almonds’ effects on appetite revealed that eating 30-50 gram snacks of almonds daily can significantly decrease how many kilojoules an individual consumes daily.

Study results revealed that people who substituted almonds for an energy-dense carb snack experienced an average reduction of 300 kilojoules at their next meal – most likely coming from junk food sources.

Obesity and overweight rates represent a serious public health challenge. Optimizing appetite management through improved hormonal response could play an integral part in weight management strategies.

This study looked into appetite-regulating hormones, and how nuts – particularly almonds – can play an integral part in controlling appetite.

Researchers conducted studies that revealed appetite-regulating hormone changes among those individuals who consumed almonds, suggesting these may have led to a reduction in food consumption of over 300kilojoules.

Study results indicated that individuals who consumed almonds saw a 47% reduction in C-peptide responses, leading to enhanced insulin sensitivity, decreased cardiovascular disease risk, and 44% greater pancreatic polypeptide responses. They also experienced 18% higher levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, 39% higher glucagon levels, and 44% greater pancreatic polypeptide responses.

Pancreatic polypeptide helps slow digestion to lower food consumption while glucagon sends signals of fullness to the brain; both encourage weight loss.

Almonds contain unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and protein which could explain their ability to satisfy hunger by leading to lower kilojoule consumption.

Results of this study indicate that almond consumption causes small changes to energy intake. Even minor lifestyle modifications may have long-term benefits for overall health improvement; by making small, sustainable adjustments now.